Friday, December 18, 2020

Week #80 Feb. 4, 2020

 Week #80 Feb. 4, 2020

Hey guys how are yall. Hope you are all doing awesome!! 

These past couple days have gone by really quick.
First on Friday I had to Go to a small pueblo called Izcuchaca for some baptism interviews.
We got there and we met the Family that was gonna get baptized. It was a family of 3, mom the dad, and a 9 year old son. We did all there interviews and it was awesome!! They were such a strong family and so ready to be baptized. They even got married the week before!!!! They were so ready to enter into this beautiful convenio. FUN FACT! In there house they had the original NITENDO 64!!!! I told the dad that I grow up playing that with all my cousins and all my family. Haha it was so fun to see a familiar face haha. 
Saturday we left early to go to Izcuchaca again for the baptism. We got there at about 9ish and we ate breakfast with the Elders there, who are Elder Zenteno from Argentina, and Elder Sanchez from Ecuador. After we met with President cause he wanted to come to the baptism too!! We got everything ready and went to a waterfall about 10 minutes away from where we were. And wow it was one of the coolest baptisms that i have ever seen. Even President Garcia was dumbfounded about how beautiful it was. It was really awesome. Later that night we had the opportunity to meet with Ninoska, From Puerto Maldonado. And she took us out to eat some Shawarma!!! It was super rico. And it was fun to talk to her again and see how she was doing. 
The next day We actually went to church with her and It was fun! It waas fun to go to church with her again and really more fun was talking to her and trying to help her with the problems she had been having. 
Later that day we had a cita with Carlos and we got there super late cause my comp is a slow poke walking up stairs. But I quickly calmed down and we taught a good lesson about the law of Chastity. We put some goals for them to get married for the end of February!! They totally can if they just set there minds to it and if we really get them motivated to do it. 
Later we had a fun Noche de hogar and we had a good lesson from Hna Deisy and she told us to make spiritual goals to help us out as members and as people. Things that we can all do to become better. Mine was be more willing to go out of my way and do service for people in the street or wherever.
I lov eyou all and miss you all tons. I hope you all have a good week, and make a goal this week to serve someone in a loving way
ELder Clawson

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