Friday, December 18, 2020

Week #62 Oct. 14, 2019

 Week #62 Oct. 14, 2019

Hello my beloved friends and Family! HOw are all of you doing!!!?

This week was an alright week. Really Fun, lots of blessings, And for sure lots of amazing people!

During the week we went to visit this reference that we had been trying to visit. Unluckily we could never find her before. But this time we were feeling really lucky. We went over there and knocked on her door. A very angry drunk man popped out and said with a loud voice that no one was there. So I asked out of curiousity if the sister was there. Then practically screaming, the guy screams at as telling us she wasn´t there. Out of a little bit of angry mixed with a lot of fear we gladly left and went on our way. I think after experiencing that, both me and my comp walked in silence thinking about what had just happened.
We had some really good visits with our venezuelan friends. We helped them to start to read the book of mormon and watch the videos to compare. One night we asked hermana Surmy what she could remember from the story she had read. HOLY COW, I have never seen or heard anyone be able to pretty much quote the chapters like she did!! She Knew almost everything that she read! It was crazy!! We are working our hardest right now to put a baptismal fecha with them. I dont know If ill be present, but I really hope to hear about there baptism! 
One day this week, we got a call from this less active lady who we always like to visit and chat with her family. She told us to meet at her moms restaurant. So we went over there, as we were there the mom told us that she has been living in the restuarant. She told us that she had been feeling like there was a bad spirit in her home! And her daughter told us that she saw a woman sitting on a chair with long black hair covering her face in a white gown! In my mind, I was thinking like this was the woman that you see in the Ring movie! And I freaking hated that movie!! So she asked us if we could bless her home. So all of us, the mom, her daughter, and even one of there workers joined us so that was cool! And I gave the blessing. It was a weird experience, but I honestly did feel something weird about that place. 
Then they invited us to a sunday lunch with them!!! And It was awesome!! Sorry I forgot to take pictures of it haha. One thing thats fun is that we had a ward counsel yesterday, and we were invited to go.While there we seriously just got into working with the members mode so these next few weeks should be good!!!
One thing I learned in my personal study this week was in the book of Alma. One of the chapters when Alma is teaching his son Helaman. He tells him pretty much all about his conversion story. But One scripture that helped me personally was when he talks about how he saw God on his throne. But Later he says, Y mi alma anhelo estar allí, which means, my soul yearned to be there. And after it says that since that day until now, he has been working as a missionary. I loved that story!!! He had seen the kingdom of god and he knew thats where he wanted to go, and so he worked nonstop in all trials to really build the kingdom of god!! We cant see gods throne, but we can imagine what it will be like and thats why we are doing what we are doing in this exact moment at this exact time! We are not just helping ourselves, we are legit helping others to get eternal life as well!!!

LOVe Elder Clawson

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