Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Week #36 April 18, 2019 MY Amazing and sad week all at the same time!!

Week #36

April 18, 2019

Happy 19th Birthday Elder Clawson

MY Amazing and sad week all at the same time!!

 Hello friends and family!! These past 2 weeks have been really busy haha. But so awesome and spiritual all at the same time. I will say right off the bat because i cant keep it inside any longer, we baptized the family of 4 and it was such a beautiful experience!!! 

So from the week before, i honestly cant remember very much but Ill give it a shot. So we had been working with this family for a crazy amount of time. And they were progressing alot but the mom is always working, so it was super hard to visit all of them at the same time. SO me and Elder Chamberlain came up with this plan so that we could still get them baptized before I left to another place. Because I love this family and it was my last week in Sicuani! So our plan was to visit the kids in the morning cause they were usually there at that time, Then visit the mom after her work! SO we did that for like 3 day straight!!! And It worked!! WE visited them just so we could keep reminding them to come to activities, or bring them to english classes, teach them and all, it all worked out amazingly!! On saturday, we met with them and the zone leaders so that we could do there interviews, and all of them passed with flying colors!!! We did the interviews after our day in Pitumarca which was a super super sad goodbye.
We went to Pitumarca to teach the profesor jorge and say goodbye to everyone else. Hna rosalia gave me a pure alpaca scarf as a recuerdo and i visited my converts Nelida and Lila. I told everyone I was leaving and seriously everyone I told began to tear up and it made Me want to tear up and cry!!! One hna there bawled her eyes out and gave me a big old bear hug. She was about 76 years old so not a huge problem. But that was my whole week and pretty muchmy day on saturday. 
Sunday was also pretty loco cause I was getting ready for church and for a baptism later that night. We had to get a bunch of clothes to use and baptismal clothes for them and wow it was insane. at the church we invited all the members to come to the baptism and support this family cause they were all alittle shy. A ton said they would and ALl of that. But when we actually did have the baptism, so many of the members actually showed up and wanted to meet these new future members1!!!. WE had gotten the font all filled up and ready to go and it was perfect!! WE had a baptism and it was amazing!! Elder Chamberlain baptized Gabriel, boy 12 years old, and Rosalinda, girl 13 years old. I baptized Karen, Girl 9 years old, super sweet and cute girl, and the mom Ayde. The mom accidentally swallowed some water she told me after the baptism haha. But Ive never seen such bright people and have never been so happy in my entire life. Something else that is cool is that the whole zone came to our baptism and was just a super great support. It was a beautiful turnout. At this time I had already known my changes and was terrified about them. After the baptism i told them I was Leaving to Puerto Maldonado, the hot jungle! And we all said our goodbyes.
 I will never forget that family. They were the real reason I was in Sicuani for 5 changes. I Knew them from day one in my mission and taught them during that whole time. I know how true this gospel is and that it can truely change wonderful people into something better and something that God wants them to be. I knew i couldnt leave Sicuani until I could see them get baptized. And all thanks to the blessings and miracles of the lord, they came through in the end. But after it felt impossible to leave them. I love them tons and hope they can become faithful members of our faith. 
I dont have a great testimony, its very small, but its what i know to be true. I know Jesus Christ is our savior, that he suffered and died for us, so that we can live again with eternal happiness. I know that joseph smith did restore the true church of jesus christ. And that we have living prophets today on the earth. I know the book of mormon can change people with the spirit, if only they exercice a little bit of faith and pray to know if it is true. I know this is true.

I left to Puerto monday after a great small party for my 19th birthday with all the missionaries in my zone that were still there. Then I left. Both me and elder clancy are here in puerto. We flew from cusco to lima, then to Puerto after haha. Kind of weird i know haha. And a little trunky going to lima first haha. But its all good and My comp is from Nicaragua, Elder Gutierrez!!! He was in sicuani with me for a change and now im sadly going to kill him. He only has 4 weeks left till he goes home. But he is a super cool guy haha. I love him to death already!! 
Puerto Is sooooooo hot and my first couple days here were the worst haha. Im in a constant state of wetness, and i am dying in my sweat always haha. But its so awesome here haha.
Today we played soccer and died more of heat. I wqas so tired after so we just took showers and then slept after haha. 

I love you all and miss you!!! HAve a great weekend and see ya next time on Elder Clawsons Crazy Peru Experience!!!
Elder Clawson

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