Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Week #33 March 25, 2019 La semana Bonita, the beautiful week

 Week #33 March 25, 2019

This week was not beautiful, sorry to throw you all off. But it wasnt a horrible week. 

This week was cool. 

Tuesday we had a zone meeting, and the zone leaders ripped into the district leaders for not working at all!!!! Just kidding, we had a good meeting about how to set smart goals for the month. It was super good actually!!!
Wednesday Was interesting. WE went up this street that i had never really been up before cause we wanted to find some new people to contact and teach. We walked up this road after a huge rain storm and it was somewhat dangerous just going up haha. But it was super fun. We passed these two little girls and they were whispering to each other while walking toward us haha. As they walked by they both said at the same time HELLO in english, giggled, then ran away. WE were covered in dirt and mud from the straight up mud road  we were walking in. But we went up hecka far ahah. Then as we were walking, we saw a lady looking at us from a window totally spying on us. So we said hi and she jumped back and rushed out her front door with a huge smile on her face. We talked to her and she couldnt understand anything we said, so we asked her if she only speaks quechua and she said yes in quechua. So we improvised with the quechua words we know and a five year old girl to translate for us haha. But she said she wanted us to come back and visist her again. 
Thursday was also a contacting day for us. WE no joke Do that alot haha. But WE tried to contact and haad no success sadly. But as were walking, this poor young lady was struggling with her puppy. SO we decided to talk to her and help her with her dog haha. She eventually got it, but then it sprints out of her store towards us. Its a smalll dog so i was like im just gonna stick my hand in the way. SO i did exactly that and the dog just opens its mouth like a pup does, and i felt my hand enter the mouth of the little wolf as if nothing had happened haha. But Then the dog like totally twists its head and gets whip lash!! I didnt feel anything after, but then i look at my pinky finger and a big ol deep hole is there haha. So i looked to my comp and im like bro we need to get to the house to clean this off haha. So i just clenched it to not make it look obvious to the lady and we left. at first my comp was like WHY WE NEED TO GO MAN, and i just opened my hand as it bled like it was my wrist haha. HE saw it and was like OH FLIP YEA LETS GET HOME! Then i cleaned the crud out of that thing haha. Surprisingly it did not hurt at all but i seriously fear getting a freaking shot in my belly button haha.
Friday was an interesting day. WE met this guy from cusco in our church and he told us about his friend who lives in a small Pueblo called Onocorra who is a member and he wants to serve a mission. We left super late and i thought i just had a feeling to go cause id never seen it. WE get there and it was a sketch place! Lots of darkness and alcohol and freaky people looking at the weird gringos. So we called the guy and i couldnt understand him. After waiting for like 10 minutes we decided to leave, as we were waiting for a car to come by, this guy on a motorcycle pulls up to us and says, Elders how are you, what are you doing here. Turns out he was the brother of our contact and just going home from work! He told us he was a member and his bro was in cusco. And then his little brother comes up to us too and we just talked and laughed with these less active members that were heck dope!! It was a true blessing and it was a blast know them, we have another cita with them this friday to do stuff!!! 
Saturday we went to Pitumarca. The only thing significant is that we were told that there are two people who want to be baptized!!! WHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!!
Sunday we honestly just worked out tails off haha, it was a crazy busy day hahah. 
Thats my week friends haha I hope you are all going awesome and i love you all!! Email me if yha want to talk please haha.

Our pensions husband and me. IM teaching him out to be a thug haha

Haha Mom thank you for the awesome email haha. Sounds like you guys had a freakin blast in mexico. Man im so jealous of you guys, did you ever go out to eat at all or did you just stay in your house and go to the club beach?? Haha how was it hearing spanish, was it different?? Cause thats what i live with everyday haha. 
Thank you for your prayers with the mom and her 2 little girls. Me and elder chamberlain both know that they are all ready, but Their mom feels like she is not all the way ready, so we pushed the date back to the 13 of April just so we could help them out alittle bit more. But another problem with them is that we cant find them at their house all the time cause their mom is always working and the kids all go to scfhool. So that way its a bit difficult. But when we saw them and talked to them a couple days ago or yesterday, her son who is 12 also said he wants to be baptized!! So that was super cool and we promised him that he could be baptized with his fam if he could get all the same lessons that his family has. Im so excited to hear seth is having another race!! Please send me some pics Of it!! And some Of janes sweet new mountain bike, is it like a real mountain bike!!!

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