Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Week #12 Nov. 1, 2018

Week #12

Haha so man this week was long and alittle difficult but also a huge blessing. Some funny things, this morning when we were cleaning our room, our pension her husband and her son (who reminds me a lot of uncle eric) were getting things ready to make some cuyi al horno which is guineau pig roasted on a stick in an oven. We heard them start to freak out alittle so we went out to see what was up. I thought one of her guin eau pigs got out an d went into the water pipes but turns out it was a big rat. SO we helped find it and it jumps out of these pipes and they trap it and literally beat it to death with a broom then another one jumps out and their dog kimbo kills it. It was so funny to watch and these rats were huge and nasty. 

And we played soccer today so that was fun. 

And then i saw a super drunk guy who had passed out on the street, but our bus just drove around him like nothin was there. 

When we were in pitumarca this week, we met with a 18 year old kid who we hadnt taught in awhile and  he just straight up said, I felt the difference when i went to your church and i think i want to be baptized, I didnt fully understand at first but then it hit and man it was crazy! Totally like in the Best two years. Then we talked to two more girls that want to be baptized and asked them to talk to their father for permission cause i think he doesnt like the missionaries. 

We gave a blessing of health to a brother of a member and that was super good and interesting to witness. 

Day of the dead is actually the 2 of november and it was pretty crazy in the bigger part of the city. But in our area nots o much. Lots of  bread and sweet bread. and cuyi also. The people here think that  Halloween is a Satanic holiday where people dress up as monsters- Ive had to tell them its just a fun time for kids to dress up and get candy from others- I only saw a couple of kids doing it sadly. I think my comp was a littel sad to hear that he was staying in Vallecito, so this week was pretty rough. But it had its ups and its downs.

The mission is a strange experience. It's a trial test.
Missions throw at you the worst, yet teach you the best.
They told me this would be the best period of my life, but I guess they didn't explain it all too clear.
I came out looking for a bed of roses, I just didn't expect all the thorns I've found out here. 
I've never been so happy. 
I've never been so depressed. 
I've never felt so forsaken. 
I've never felt so blessed.
I've never been so discouraged.
I've never been so full of hope. 
I feel like I can go on forever. 
I think I've come to the end of my rope.
I've never had it so easy. 
I've never had it so tough. 
Things have never gone so smoothly. Things have never been so rough.
I've never traveled through more valleys. 
I've never ascended so many peaks. I've never met so many great people. I've never met so many freaks. 
I've never had so many ups. 
I've never had so many downs. 
I've never worn so many smiles. 
I've never worn so many frowns. 
I've never been so lonely. 
I've never had so many friends. 
Man, I hope this is all over soon. Gosh, I hope this never ends.”

This was a poem James shared with Jake.  One of James' friends sent it to him 30 years ago in Taiwan.  

woow that peom is so true. I loved that- THanks for that pops. This week was a little tough. I wasnt in the changes at all and i think my comp was alittle sad about that so he kind of just took it all out on me in the work and in his attitude a bit. He wasnt too happy almost all the days. and i woke up everyday this week just ready to come home-- but always by the end of the day, i felt better, even it it had been a super crappy day. we had a lot of those- the language is difficult and i cant really communicate with my comp but its ok. I just expect myself to  be a pro at the language and the teaching right now but im surrounded by missionaries who are getting ready to go home and i see that i know absolutaly nothing. I need to have more patience with myself- and i feel alone alot but whenever i pray i feel better and know that god is with me always- Its ridiculously hard, but its worth it. I love you dad and miss you tons- i cant wait to here from you again-

Elder Clawson.

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