June 22, 2015 email
Service for the week was clipping old folks toe nails and finger nails! |
Dearest Family,
Well this week was a good week. Things are kinda starting to dawn on me and it's weird.
At the beginning of the week we tracted into this family that was great. We were able to teach them about the Family Proclamation and a bit about the Restoration. It was the father, Tom, the mother, Mira, and a daughter, Geraldina who actually does some work at the massive Catholic church here. We set up a return appointment for Thursday and we were super excited to go over and talk with them. Thursday rolls along and only the mom was there but she politely asked us to not come back anymore. I'm glad that she was nice enough to let us know right then that they weren't interested. So that was kinda sad but it gave us some excitement at the beginning of the week which was nice.
Nucrema on toast. It tastes like Nutella, and cream and butterflies he said. |
Elder Wilcox is Jed's companion. |
The second cool thing that happened this week was with another named Fatos. He was found by the sisters while street contacting and they handed him off to us. We have been able to meet with him almost everyday this week which has been fantastic. He is very poor and has a smoking problem but we have been able to set up a routine and a plan so that he can finally get over his addiction. He also is preparing to be baptized on the 25th of July which is fantastic! It's kinda weird planning for a baptism when I won't be here but it's alright. Fatos really enjoys meeting with us and he wants to come closer to God. We were a little concerned when he told us his financial situation because we were a little afraid he would ask for money but he has told us many times that he wants to strengthen his faith and then that will help everything else in his life.
District flour wars! |
Xhemil wasn't able to meet with us this week because his mom is really sick. He's been taking care of her so he just doesn't have the time to meet with us. But we are still very excited for him so no worries.
Plan of Salvation yay! |
I don't really know what else to say besides the fact that this week is gonna be great. I have a talk next week in church and we have Mission Conference on Wednesday with everyone and I am ready for it all. Shkoder is witnessing a miracle right now and I'm glad that I get to be a part of it.
Love, Jed
Dearest Mother,
Mom, I am super excited to see you. Don't worry, I am stay focused on the work but every now and then when I'm just sitting in the house I start thinking of the awesome food that I'm gonna be eating with ya'll. Also my card still doesn't work so it might have the same problem as last time or maybe an international problem. I love you Mom! Have a good week!
Love, Jed