Hello Everyone!
Well I'm ridiculously tired right now so this letter probably won't be the longest one. Sorry!
But this week was spectacular. Elder Watson and I have been teaching this family that we met last week and they are so awesome! They love coming and meeting with us and they love learning more about the church. We invited them to be baptized in June and they are progressing and preparing for that day. We are super duper excited for them.
The Elder's getting smoothies one day. We thought they looked delicious! |
This is Ersi who helps the missionaries out so much! The sign is advertising a carwash, and Jed thought it was quite funny that it said, "Car Wash with a Grope" I'm sure it meant HAND Car Wash:) |
The family that we are teaching is awesome! We meet with them pretty often and they walk with us to the Institute Center and then we sit around and have a nice lesson. The other night we taught them the Plan of Salvation and at the very end Elder Watson gave them the commitment to pray to know if the Plan of Salvation was God's plan for his children. Cimi looked at him and said "If I didn't already believe that, I wouldn't have even stayed or come to this lesson. I know it's true, but I will pray about it." So needless to say they are an awesome family. The mom can't come to church on sundays though! DAH!! She has to work every single day and she can't ever get it off. So there's going to be a lot of praying and fasting done for her. She has shown the biggest desire to get baptized though but she's gotta come to church if she wants to get baptized.
Really I have like nothing super interesting that happened this week that I can think of right now. I'm so dead right now and I can't remember anything that happened. This morning we woke up at 6am and caught a bus out to Berat which is down in the south. It's got a castle and it's just a really pretty place in general. I've decided that is where I'm going to buy my home. It's kinda weird because here in Albania they let people live right next to the castles and all of these amazing monuments and stuff.
We've been doing a lot of finding again. We've met some really good people. We found this one guy named Ermal in the road a while back and we actually set up a lesson with him and then I realized "Oh shoot! Institute is tonight!" Last time I was in Durrës I got ripped apart by President Mema because I interrupted his institute class by bringing an investigator into the center for a lesson. But I asked Ermal how old he was and he said he was 27 and SINGLE! Therefore we took him over to the center and introduced him to all of the single people there and sat in on the class. He listened, shared some opinions, and laughed every now and then. He talked with a member for about an hour afterwards and he seemed really interested and had some insights that he liked sharing. He said he would really like to come back the following week and attend the class again. We have faith that he will accept the message.
Early morning P-day travel by bus. |
Elder Watson is on fire! He is such a good son and he is totally pushing himself. He could train next transfer. He's excellent with the language and he's a good kid all around.
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All these photos are of Berat. It's a city in South Central Albania and where Jed's district spent P-day. Jed says he going to live here someday. And I guess I don't have the corner on the market of beautiful places to live:) |
Have fun today! I hope you enjoy the pancakes, the ride, the lakes and all the joy that comes with it. I love you all so much!
Love, Jedediah
Dearest Mom,
Well I sent that package a little while back. I'm glad it got there though! The garden looks super nice and so do the bees! Way to go with all of that! I love you Mom!
Love, Jed
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