Elder Clawson with his companion Elder Boyle from Idaho! Elder Boyle's uncle was companions with Elder Clawson's Uncle Josh in Ecuador 20+ years ago! Such a small world:) |
Im so sorry i forgot to tell you about this but just this week im going to have my pday today on tuesday!! LO SIENTO!!
This week has been crazy though!! tons of things have happened! I so sorry for not being able to send you pictures. its hard for me to do it here but i tried to send you one from my camera. I dont know if it sent though. so today we woke up and went to the temple which was really coool. but Last night we were up till around 12ish helping our roommates pack all of there stuff up cause they were leaving today. So we all helped them pack and yep it was really late. this morning they left at 2 in the morning. They wrote us a small note saying thanks and it was really sweet. Ill miss them a bunch.
After the temple, we walked outside and we saw a bunch of the old avencados out there cause they had missed there flights to their mission in Trujillo Sur. So we all said hello and then our final goodbyes.
So there is this thing that all the preuvians can do here. Its this kind of snapping thing you do with your fingers but its not snapping, its your fingers slapping eachother and its so hard to do, but all the peruvians can do it and they are amazing at it!! So all the missionsaries call it el don de lenguas, or gift of tongues cause when you are able to do that you will be able to speak spanish! and its flippin true! Me and elder boyle had this lesson with one of our investigators and man we were struggling with her. She would just tear us down in our lessons. so one time me and elder boyle just decided to go out on a limb and test our spanish and just try to get to know her better. We said a prayer and went for it. During our lesson, we just talked to her about her life and got to know her. We were just using spanish and not even looking at our notebooks with all our spanish phrases and stuff on it. To our surprise we understood almost everything she said and we were able to communicate back to her and share a short message with her!! It was crazy how strong the spirit was when we weren't even really teaching a lesson. We were just trying something different and it worked out way better than we thought it would.
Everytime we go outside of the walls here, for service or even to go to the temple, we are barely surviving, cause the traffic here is totally crazy and everyone is cutting in front of each other and just honking there horns like crazy.
Sorry but i have a really hard time remembering things that happened cause it all ends up blurring together. But on sunday we were all dead and just ready to take a nap and a break. WE had some killer boring classes on sunday that would have been awesome but everyone was dead and our teachers werent very excited to teach us. But after all of that we got to watch the Restoration video and it was beautiful!!! IM pretty sure im safe to say that im not the only missionay there that cried in that movie. And the part when joseph smith meets emma all the guy missionaries were crying cause they just wish they could have that chance right now. I definitely felt that way. Then we had choir and in choir we sang god be with you till we meet again. Everyone cried in that one cause all the old missionaries were leaving and thats the song we chose for that.
That night in the hallways of the dorms, all the elders gathered together and we all sang god be with you till we meet again. lots of tears were shed and hugs were given. Yesterday night we all said goodbye to the elders who were all leaving. and it was really sad... i ALMOST cried but i stuck it out like a man.
Love ya all and cant wait to here from you, sorry again for the wrong day.
Elder Clawson
This cute missionary is from Bolivia. Jake shared one of his ties with him. He looks as handsome as can be! |
MOM!! This week has been crazy! im sorry we cant talk back and forth but i miss all you guys. and love you even more. my spanish is becoming more and more advanced every day. just like my pushups. we have a rule that if you say and elder by just his last name, you have to do 20 pushups, last night all mine added up to 120 pushups. I love you and cant wait to here from you!!!